svgDOM is a svg library free and openSource software project to prepare svg-files to be used
in tk::canvas.
svgDOM is a library to deal with svg files and to prepare them for use in tk::canvas ot tkpath
and was developed as a part of rattleCAD
or especially in cad4tcl.
So let me tell you about the background of this library:
rattleCAD & cad4tcl
rattleCAD offers a library of
bicycle parts to render complete bicycles. These libraries are provided as svg files. While
svg may contain path elements, the tk::canvas is not able to render native path elements.
cad4tcl provides an application
that gives you a GUI-app to open and convert svg-files into a readable format for tk::canvas
or tkpath.
With svgDOM path elements are converted into a set of polylines and polygons
and groups them inside a group-element. Of course, this group of polylines and polygons can not
really replace the path element, but at least this feature offers a way to represent it.
In addition svgDOM collects all transformations and style information along the parent groups
of a node and transfers this information absolutely into to the graphics element. At least the
exported svg-file file does not contain any transform attributes.
svgDOM currently provides the following features:
- converts path-element to a set of polygon- and polyine-elements
- transfers all transform information absoulutely to the graphic node
- transfers all style information to the graphic node
- export svg for use in tk::canvas or tkpath
External libraries
cad4tcl at least requires some external packages to provide its features:
- TclOO
- math (part of tcllib)
- math::geometry (part of tcllib)
- tdom
Projects & Repositories @
The svgDOM project is hosted on
related projects
... feel free to participate!